The world is represented by a dancing woman that is located in the center of the card.
This dancing woman has one leg crossed over the other and on both she is holding a wand.
Woman is the representation of balance and evolution in constant movement, she represents the constant movement and eternal change. The flower crown that surrounds it, is made of green flowers, and symbolizes success while the red ribbon symbolizes infinity.
On the world card, in each corner, there are four figures that are the same as those on the fortune card; they represent Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Taurus, representative of the four corners of the universe strong>, the four elements and the four evangelicals. Together, they symbolize the harmony between all your energies.
The letter shows a naked woman who is wrapped in a purple cloth dancing inside a large laurel wreath. She is looking back which represents the past , while her body moves towards the future . In each of her hands she has a wand or cane, very similar to the one held by the magician, It is a symbol that what manifested with The Magician has now been completed with The World.
The crown that surrounds her is circular, which heralds a continuous cycle with a successful ending and new beginnings, this because every time the woman walks through Corona is completing one phase but beginning a new one.
The figures that accompany it in each corner are a lion, a bull, a cherub and an eagle, very similar to those that appear on the Ferris wheel.

What does the World card mean in the Tarot?
The meaning of the card varies according to the position it adopts in the tarot spread, its interpretation will also change if it is related to any other card.

The world is announcing that your moment to shine has arrived, the projects that you have carried out in the long term are ending, so it is time to revel in the closure and with the achievements obtained. The world represents the culmination of a dream or aspiration that you have had for a long time.
You are finally achieving your goals and you are in the right place, doing what you have to do, what you have always wanted and you feel complete. The world invites you to reflect on what you have traveled and enjoy your achievements and spiritual lessons. It's time to enjoy everything you got.
Express your gratitude for what you have created and reaped. Finally, make sure you're not rushing off to the next big project; celebrating your journey will set you up for success when you're ready for your next challenge. If you haven't reached this completion point, you're very close.
You may still need to internalize to be able to enjoy true success and truly understand what you have achieved. Look back and review your past experiences so that you recognize what you have learned along the way. You will be surprised with your progress.
If there are still loose ends, the universe card asks you to fill them in. By doing so, you will clear the space for new beginnings and opportunities to emerge. To be more explicit, it can even mean that you will make trips on a large scale. You may be lucky to be able to embark on a trip abroad for a long time.

You may be looking for a solution or a way out of a personal problem, this may mean that you still feel attached to a past relationship and you want to move forward. The world reversed can mean that you want to achieve a great goal, but you are not doing what it takes to achieve it. If you take the quick and easy path to meet the objective, the result may not be what you want.
You need to experience the trials and tribulations along the way so that you can learn and grow, and when you reach your goal, you'll enjoy a fantastic sense of accomplishment. Don't be afraid to set strict goals for yourself, even if it means enduring hardships or challenges along the way. It will make victory even sweeter.
You are about to finish a project or a goal, but there may be external factors that are causing you to lose concentration and you are slacking off near the end. You only have a short way to go so this is not a good time to decide to stop. Renew your energy and remember how great you will feel when you achieve what you want so much.
Sometimes the inverted letter can mean a delay in finishing your projects. An important piece could be lost and you will not find closure.