The number 11 of the tarot is the Strength card that is the representation of the strength of mind, it is marked by courage and determination , inner balance and moral values. This card is marked by mystical fire, the purification of morality, where rationality dominates brute force.
The card of strength marks the internal forces, courage and character qualities necessary especially in adversities and times of struggle, but it is also the patience that must be had as a determining factor to be able to fight the battles.
It is a card that symbolizes energy and the courage that together with faith can overcome obstacles conquering the objectives that are set , but if this card is reversed in the reading of the tarot its interpretation will be opposite since instability, cruelty and anger will dominate, there will be no faith in what is done and it will succumb to doubt letting brute force dominate over the mind.
This strength card is represented by a woman wearing a hat, this represents infinity. The woman is dominating a lion while she wears very elegant clothes; the beast is strength and wild instinct and aggressiveness, which speaks of the dominance of the mind over all brute force.
Her blue clothes symbolize intelligence and stability, while yellow is wisdom and red action and passion.
The position adopted by the lion represents brute force where the virgin representing spiritual force symbolizes the victory of the spirit over the material world, where non-destruction renouncing worldly instincts is the path towards success, this is demonstrated by seeing that force does not kill the lion, it dominates it to channel its force into something productive.

What does the Strength card mean in the Tarot?
It is the card that represents strength and dominance in the face of adversity, it speaks of patience and intelligence as a fundamental tool to fight battles.

When the strength card comes out correctly it is a symbol of control, strength and courage that you must have. It is a powerful card and a good omen. Luck is with you and it is time to fight the battles you have pending.
It tells you about the control that your mind should have over your body, it is important that you begin to concentrate and set goals to keep your objective clear and precise in order to achieve it. Conquer your fears so that the doors of success open for you.
Take advantage of the strength that thinking and concentration give you. You will find a very well-paid job thanks to your skills and knowledge.
Close possibilities of a promotion, if it is not at hand it is time to request it because fortune plays in your favor and this will be yours.
In love, talk about tolerance and understanding, you will grow personally as a couple, which will lead you to achieve a balance that It will allow you to expand to new horizons. If you do not have a partner, it is time to look for one.
The time for business has arrived, luck will shine for you, every project begins to bear fruit, investments are recommended in this period but all the money should not be wasted, saving will be the key to maintaining financial success.
You are in very physical condition, you have energy and a lot of vitality. If you have been proposing any operation or surgical procedure, the time has come to do it. It tells you about abandoning bad habits that affect your body and including a diet to maintain yourself.

When the strength card appears inverted, it will have a totally different meaning, it portends the physical and mental weakness you will experience. Insecurities that do not let you see the path well, you will suffer from low self-esteem that could lead you to defeat.
It will go through difficult moments in which you will feel that you cannot find the way out and that it can affect you in all aspects of your life, but it also says that it will be a passing period .
Talk about project delays, there is no reactivity when working, productivity is reduced, you lose motivation to work, dissatisfaction takes over you, you don't It is advisable to start new projects or make investments.
problems appear in the couple, doubts take over the relationship, clouding rational thought, it can put so much pressure on the couple to the point of taking the relationship a breaking point.
Things will not turn out so well with money, there is a risk that you will be scammed, unforeseen expenses are coming that end up affecting your budget, this will generate anguish and discomfort that will soon end taking your stress to limits never before handled, this is not the time to ask for a raise or promotion, you must take care of your job.
It is time to be cautious, we must take care of both physical and mental well-being , since factors such as fatigue or stress could alter our health considerably, there is a risk of fall into drugs, smoking or alcoholism.