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I can't find a job

no encuentro trabajo

Getting a job is one of the most recurring concerns in life, and the questions you ask yourself are usually infinite, regarding this topic, such as; Will I find a job soon? Why can't I get a job? What do I have to do to get a job? I can't find a job, what am I doing wrong?.

Questions that perhaps you cannot answer yourself, but with the help of the tarot and the arcana you will be able to. The tarot can be a flame of light on this subject, especially when you are in a situation where you cannot find a job. The arcana will help you see which is the right path to get a job, what are you doing wrong and why you still haven't got a good job.

Although it is true that money is not everything in life, but it is something very important to establish yourself and be able to develop, that is why having a good job is extremely important , is the source of your income, to a large extent. The tarot will give you insight into what will happen and what you must do in order to get a good job.

What the tarot will tell you at work

Within the tarot deck there are 22 major arcana to consult, which are willing to tell you what you need to know regarding your present and future work. Knowing about it will allow you to have a clearer picture if you are looking for a job and still can't find it. When consulting you should know what each card has to tell you.

the mad

The Mad

It announces that a new beginning is the opportunity to live a new experience which means that you are about to get a job or start your own business. Stop paying attention to other people's negative comments, which can cause you to lose confidence in yourself and therefore you still can't find what you need because you don't think you can get it.

el mago

The Wizard

There are new opportunities, either to get a good job in a good position or to move up the ranks if you are already working. If your professional career has to do with creativity, it is a good time to show what you know, all your ideas will be heard.

the priestess

The Priestess

Listen carefully, your unconscious may be sending you messages that you are not listening to. If you are expecting to make an important decision, the priestess advises you to be calm and patient. Everything you need to know is within you, the times of peace are coming.

the empress

The Empress

If you want to do something to make money, it is a good time to invest, this card announces the arrival of great ideas and letting creativity flourish, as well that unleashes all that potential.

the emperor

The Emperor

Keep trying your hardest, focus even harder to get that job you want and stop listening to the people around you. Moments of security and tranquility come if you trust yourself, the job of your dreams awaits you.

the priest

The Priest

This letter warns you that you need extra guidance or help that gives you a little more knowledge in order to gain a little more experience, so you can get the job you want.

the lovers

The Lovers

This card means attraction but if it appears in a job consultation it means that a good job with great economic compensation is about to come. On the other hand, it may be that you are about to make a decision in the workplace.

the car

The Car

He advises you that it is time to save because it is likely that the job search will take a little longer, it could be that you are not looking in the area that you should.

the force

The Force

Alert the force is a call to precaution, without ceasing to assume the risks that are controlled. Be patience, thanks to it you can get the job you want so much or get that promotion you so deserve.

the hermit

The Hermit

You are in the best moment of your life, it is time to change your situation and start a new phase. Be especially careful with money. Patience to continue with the job search, desperation is not a good companion when looking for a job.

the wheel of the fortune

The Wheel of the Fortune

The tranquility you need and stability at work is coming, after the storm calm comes and everything will be positive. If you are going through the opposite situation, you may have to be careful as your income could decrease.

the justice

The Justice

It is time to seek balance between all areas of your life. You must be attentive to legal problems in the labor area, you may have obstacles there to get a job.

the hung

The Hung

This is a card that invites you to relax so that things begin to flow, it is important that you always remember that you cannot control everything. It is likely that everything in your work status will begin to change and you must prepare yourself to face the good and bad changes.

the death

The Death

If in your throw the death comes out, it is time to ask for help, everything is about to change and it will move everything you have, but in the long term it will give you the peace of mind that you are looking for so much economically. Pay attention to new beginnings, they will be rewarded financially.

the temperance

The Temperance

You must continue working calmly and normally but without ceasing to make an effort so that all the effort is rewarded. You must be careful with your income and not waste.

the devil

The Devil

If you get this card in your spread, you must change what is happening and do not stay where you do not want or want to be. Do not be afraid to give up that job that stagnates you, the right one will arrive soon.

the tower

The Tower

Be careful with your work, as well as with the investments you are making, this card is a symbol of changes, but you must pay special attention to what they are.

the star

The Star

This card is the representation that, if you have an open mind, new opportunities will come. On the other hand, if you have problems, don't despair, everything will be fixed.

the moon

The Moon

It is time to make difficult decisions, but you must be careful with the people around you as they may represent dangers that you cannot even imagine. It can be a time of many confusions but that will be cleared up if you are patient.

the sun

The Sun

Soon the job you are looking for will arrive, this letter is announcing the arrival of a stable and lasting era, where you will finally be able to improve in what was worrying you.

the judgement

The Judgement

It is time for you to begin to value your work and effort. Do not look for a job without enthusiasm because that is not helping you to get it, it is time to change and reflect.

the world

The World

It is time to leave behind everything you feel about your old job, close the cycle and look forward so that you start to go well and quickly get what you want.

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