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Money Tarot

money tarot

The tarot has always been a guide, which many people use to receive some advice, some path or a sign that helps them find a possible solution or make any decision. More than seeing the future, it is an ancestral connection with another dimension that goes far beyond the rational.

Many people turn to him to consult the financial issue, what they could do to improve their economic situation. When making an investment, it is almost immediately that you begin to think about all the pros and cons that it could have, in addition to making some assumptions regarding the risk that you could run.

The tarot can become your allied tool that can help you answer all those questions and doubts. The indicated answers can help you choose the right path. You can see how profitable that business could be, if it is a good time to close a deal or establish a partnership or if the time has come to expand.

The future of any business is usually a matter of concern, so it is important to know what to do and make the right decisions at the right time, or when it is not good to move forward and it is better to stay where you are.

How does the money tarot work?

The money tarot is a great ally since it will provide you with good information that will allow you to clarify many questions and doubts regarding this very important topic. This will give you a much needed piece of mind that will help keep your money safe.

In order for the answers you are looking for to be the ones you need, you must be totally focused on what you want to know, rather than the problem, put all your energy into the questions, which are completely clear so that you avoid confusing results.

Three card tarot for money

Once you have defined what you really want to know, in terms of your economic situation, it is time to ask the question to the cards to see how they can help you. One of the most appropriate spreads for this type of theme is the three card tarot.

It is one of the fastest and most effective tarot readings for the subject of money, where the major arcana that appear are those chosen by destiny to give you the indicated answers. The main objective of this spread is to talk about your past, what brought you to your present and how it can improve the future.

How does the roll of three work?

It is very simple and very effective, try to make a clear question in your mind, for example; Is changing jobs right now a good idea? Is it the right time to invest in X business?

  • The first card will represent him and everything that has led you to where you are, those decisions you made so that your current financial situation is what you have today.
  • The second card represents the present, where you are today, what is happening to you and why, and what is the best path for you to take.
  • The third card is the most important, because it reflects the immediate future, where you will be financially in the near future and how you must do to get there.

Remember this spread is one designed to answer questions in the near future, in this case help you with your decisions regarding money, in the not too distant future. When asking your question, it should be as clear as possible, well defined in what you really want to know, and most important of all, that all your energies are focused on it.

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