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Tarot 4 elements

tarot 4 elements

Have you ever heard of the 4 elements tarot? Cartomancy is one of the oldest prediction arts and its power is based on ancestral energies that are used to know aspects of your life that you still do not know.

According to astrology, the zodiac signs are divided into 4 elements, which correspond to a different natural element; water, earth, fire and air, which in turn group together a number of corresponding signs to its nature.

Each of the zodiacal elements defines our conduct, reveals the challenges and each of the opportunities that you could opt for in the future. A 365-day cycle defines the behavior of your sign by your element, and even if you don't perceive it, this behavior tends to change.

The 4 elements tarot reading reveals certain behaviors of your personality and the human activities that govern you, through the cards, the stars communicate guiding you through the path of what you must do , how you must face it, what the future holds for you and how to take advantage of it according to your personal traits, like any deck consultation, so that it is successful You must know exactly each element, sign and interpret it according to the arcane.

 The 4 elements of nature

The 4 elements of nature

Earth, water, fire and air are the four natural elements that make up the earth, and whose element groups together a number of signs that are governed by the behaviors and energies that each element represents.

It is imperative for the 4 elements tarot reading to know your sign to which of the 4 elements it belongs to, since this will tell you what your characteristics are, your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Those of the sign Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are linked to the energies of the air, which means say that you are planner and reasonable, you like to communicate and analyze everything you do, but you also have a hard time expressing your feelings. You value the intelligentsia above anything else, and are drawn to freedom and independence.
  • The element fire brings together the signs sagittarius, leo and aries, people who are very extroverted and that this element is dynamic, enthusiastic, it is said that these people are covered by natural luck throughout their lives. The stars will tell you what to do on those not so good days, in which the energies change but with the help of the cards you will be able to act in the best way.
  • The earth is considered as the element that carries with it the key to material existence. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are sensible, organized, persevering and very realistic people, which makes them capable of creating their own reality. You renew with every opportunity, with the sunrise, and you give yourself the opportunity to reinvent yourself and organize yourself.
  • The signs that are grouped under the water element: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are distinguished by his sensitivity, conformism and intuition combined with an incomparable desire to help others. Those of these signs recharge their energies with the rise of the new moon. Water flows so people of these zodiac signs adapt easily and adapt very easily.

tarot 4 elements

Tarot reading the 4 elements

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Tarot reading the 4 elements

Once you comprehend and understand the nature of your sign and how it defines your personality it is time to consult the 4-element tarot, knowing that it will interpret your astrological energies and it will guide you. For this reading, the minor arcana will be taken, which are the expression of everyday life, everyday things. The 4 element tarot is represented as follows:

The Wands

The Wands

They represent the element fire, a very powerful element that deals with existential energy, human warmth and the divine spark. It is an element of action, power and effort, the creative of the person and how this plays in their favor her. In these letters we find; desire and action, efforts and struggles; vital force, divine spark, inspiration and initial impetus.

The golds

The Coins

They are related to the element earth, and represents the material, the senses and the foundation of the concrete >. It talks about people who react in a calculating, hard-working, dedicated and persevering way. Emotionally, they are deeply rooted people who shape their projects.

The Swords

The Swords

The swords cards indicate people who enjoy clarity like the air that governs them. It also speaks of deceptions, the tenseness of the human mind, and self-deception. These people are quick and animated and apply their energy in many different ways, they tend to intellectualize their feelings and expectations. They are based on values such as justice.

The Cups

The Cups

It represents water and whose people are governed by love, feeling and illusion that can be a problem when feelings overflow, cup figures are sentimental and very sensitive and even identify with the psyche of the mind.

The 4 elements and the Tarot?

When the 4 elements tarot reading is done, the key is in the differences. If there is an element that predominates more than another, if one dominates more than another, this would indicate a life trend in terms of specific issues:

  • If the cups predominate: emotions, family or couple issues will be very important (especially if these cards are inverted, they will signal conflicts in that sense)
  • If the golds predominate: economic aspects will prevail and there will be shortages if they are invested or businesses are activated if the gold cards are straight.
  • If there are more roughs: work and professional affairs will be the issues on which the person's life is based. If they are invested it will be the fights and competitions and you are probably losing energy.
  • If there is a predominance of swords: there are fights, dominates the mind, the defense of ideals or their rights. Many reversed sword cards indicate conflict, stress, mental debate, internal struggle.

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