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How to summon the angels

how to summon the angels

Do this knowing that you are not alone and that you have a protective angel by your side and eventually it will manifest itself to you one way or another and help you change your existence in the way that best suits your personality and what is good for you, so it would be ideal if you learned to know how to summon angels.

Even if you do not get an immediate result, do not be discouraged and practice this invocation to the Angels constantly until your wishes are fulfilled.

There are 4 angels who are closer to God and whose presence is more constant; Miguel, Rafael, Gabriel and Uriel. Learn how the connection with each of them should be and how to invoke the angels effectively.

  1. You firmly believe in their existence and in their ability to help you.
  2. Visualize the wish that you want to come true with positive intentions imagining your existence once you have achieved it.
  3. Ask for the help of your guardian angel even if you don't know his name. See the 7 Archangels.
  4. Act in the sense of the wish that you want to fulfill with this state of mind and soon you will see that your wish comes true.

"Consider them your best allies in life and your best friends because you can always summon them frequently"

Since we were children we have been taught that we are in constant custody of the beings most loved by God: the angels, and we have always been in the custody of the Angel of Guard. When you are little you are exposed to many things, you are vulnerable, it is because of them that your guardian angel spends much more time by your side.

When you are growing up, you develop skills and you are able to protect yourself and you think you don't need the protection of your guardian angel, he begins to move away but always being close. The only thing you need to get your angel back is to know how to connect with it, how to summon it and bring it back to you.

But who are the angels?

Also known as the messengers of God, the angels, are divine beings that have a close relationship with God and are in charge of channeling your messages that are addressed to God. These wonderful beings of light or spiritual beings enjoy infinite life and have their own determination to do what is best, differentiating between good and bad.

Although they look human, these supreme beings have infinite wisdom to guide and protect you. The angels are always attentive to your call, and they can be a great help in your time of difficulty, for them to return to you you just have to invoke them in a correct way.

how to summon the angels

How to summon your guardian angel?

Although it may seem very simple, the best way to contact angels is from the heart, these omnipotent beings are attracted by the power of love, it is love that allows us to establish a true spiritual connection.

Once you have all that love and longing to want to connect with the angels, what you should do is visualize the angel you want to invoke, imagine him, say his name in your mind and project yourself connecting with him . Pay attention to your breathing, it should be slow, noticing the entire path that the air takes when entering and leaving your lungs, inhale and exhale, so you will empty your mind.

Remove your shoes and sit on a chair keeping your feet flat on the floor, parallel and about 20 cm apart. about. Rest your hands palms up on your knees. Keep your back straight.

Once your body and mind are connected and focused in the presence of the angels, you will have managed to make the call and have them listen to your requests and thanks.

For this to work it is important that you also have certain external factors.

  • Place a music that is suitable for the moment, that is slow and deep, that allows your mind to open, use the symphonies of Brahams and Haendel, the romances for violin and orchestra of Beethoven, Mozart's little night music, Vivaldi's four seasons, Gregorian chant, nursery rhymes (in soft tones), and New Age music (Enya, Vangelis, Ian Anderson), are all particular to attract the power of the angels.
  • You must have a dim light that allows you to enter your angel in an environment of privacy and closeness, look for a balance between shadows and light contrasts. It doesn't matter if it's a little dark as the angels are the ones who will bring the light to you.
  • The atmosphere is important when invoking the angels since they are beings that are very sensitive to good smells. Clean and ventilate the area where you will do the ritual, aromatize with incense or place a bowl of fresh flowers. Use angel decorations such as statuettes, paintings, busts, etc., that are a beautiful representation of them.

Go to the right angel

When invoking the angels, you should know which one you really need, since each one of them has different functions and can help you in different ways.

Angel Michael: the Bible tells how Michael and his army defeated Satan and his angels. It is invoked when protection, calm in the face of conflict, courage, help and courage to face difficulties are needed.

Ángel Rafael: it is associated with the healing of all kinds of diseases, it is said that Rafael would have received the “Book of Medicine”. It is invoked when you need physical and emotional health, calm to face tests or job interviews, help in case of affliction and take care of happiness and harmony in homes.

Gabriel: he is the messenger of God, being he who announced to Mary her immaculate conception. He is invoked to help fertility, pregnancy protection, reunites estranged people, calms the home and benefits creativity and communication.

Uriel: it is said that he possesses the keys to hell and that he would be the one who expelled Adam and Eve. He cares for the lands and helps humanity in the learning process. He helps in work, business, increase profits and gives balance to nature.

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