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4 Tarot Wands

4 tarot wands

Meaning of the 4 of Wands in the Tarot

What does the 4 of Wands Tarot mean?

The 4 of Wands is a positive card that speaks of happiness. It is time to enjoy the new beginnings and the small things in life that will fill you with joy.

This card refers to the fact that in the simple and small things in life you can find something wonderful, if you are starting a relationship, a new job, a move, this card leads you to know that you are living a beautiful stage of your life and that the best is happening and will continue to happen.

4 tarot wands love

4 of Wands Tarot in Love

If you are in a relationship, the 4 of Wands refers to how happy you are and how happy you are going to be with your partner. There are new things between you and everything that will begin to happen will strengthen the love much more. Engagement carries the flag with this letter, so possibly if you have an engagement it will move on to something bigger, perhaps marriage.

If you find yourself single, then it is time for you to start going out and going to parties and places where you feel happy because you will find a new love in these moments of joy and bonanza, do not lose hope, prepare and trust.

4 tarot wands health

4 de Bastos Tarot en la Salud

Con el 4 de bastos en la tirada de tu mazo puedes celebrar porque la salud la tienes estable y tu mente se encuentra aún mejor. Si estabas pasando por una enfermedad, la hora de celebrar ha llegado, encontrarás en los exámenes noticias para brincar de júbilo.

Sin duda alguna el 4 de bastos es una de las mejores cartas para recordar que todo lo bueno en el área de la salud está apartado para ti.

4 tarot wands money

4 of Wands Tarot on Money

The 4 of Wands in the area of finances appears to tell you that you are living in times of abundance. Money flows more every day and the doors of economic blessings are open to you.

If you want to start a new business or project, the moment is now, in which your hands are prepared to receive everything good, which is why everything What you do at this time will be a blessing and it will make you feel so good that you will not stop being happy and content.

4 tarot wands reversed

4 of Wands Inverted Tarot

When the 4 of Wands appears inverted, it means that things are not working as you expect. That you feel and find yourself stuck and that you will have many obstacles that you did not think you would have.

Take things easy because this card refers to you feeling full of stress and anguish.