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8 Tarot Swords

8 tarot swords

Meaning of 8 of Swords in Tarot"

What does the 8 of Swords Tarot mean?

The 8 of Swords represents a situation that firstly you can't control and secondly has you tied hand and foot because you can't find a solution. What happens in this aspect is that things are being analyzed from the wrong point of view because you have become too emotional.

This letter first shows you the situation you find yourself in and urges you to be calm because there are times when unfortunately you don't have control over things. Segundo shows you the way in which you can try to find a solution, and this is through analysis and logic.

8 tarot swords love

8 of Swords Tarot in Love

In the area of love, the 8 of Swords talks about problems in the couple that force us to reconsider the decision to continue or not. Perhaps the right thing to do is to put an end to it but you have not been able to achieve it due to the cumulus of emotions you feel and that lead you to think about love over and over again.

If you are single, this card indicates that it is not the time to have adventures until you can center yourself and fill yourself with love. Think coldly about things and learn to control your emotions.

8 tarot swords health

8 of Swords Tarot on Health

The 8 of Swords in health refers directly to the relationship between the body and the mind which, when not balanced, generates health problems that can end in some pathology.

Emotions, when instead of being felt, are over-analyzed, they only cause anxiety to develop, and if this anxiety spreads too much, it creates problems. That is why it is best to learn to let go of situations that you cannot handle in order to release the pressure in your body.

8 tarot swords money

8 of Swords Money Tarot

In money, the 8 of Swords speaks of thoughts that are declared and fulfilled. That is why it is urged to control your mouth and what you think because the problems that arise financially are practically decreed by you at this time.

If you feel stuck and cannot find solutions to your chaos, think of other options and try to find ways out, since this card also speaks of opportunities that you cannot see. Drive away bad thoughts and get rid of emotions that don't allow you to move forward.

8 tarot swords reversed

8 of Swords Inverted Tarot

The 8 of Swords when inverted offers better meanings, it speaks of a growth in your awareness that leads you to abandon the role of victim and think things coldly who is creating the problems so you can get him a solution.