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2 Tarot Cups

2 tarot cups

Meaning of the 2 of Cups in the Tarot

What does the 2 of Cups Tarot mean?

The 2 of Cups focuses heavily on relationships and partnerships, regardless of their origin. That is, it can be a partnership in the area of love and friendship, as well as in the social and work area.

What it fully means is they are positive fruits produced by this partnership or relationship, it will bring an elevation of consciousness both for you and for the person involved. You will find the specific meaning of the card supporting you from the others that appear in the deck.

2 tarot cups love

2 of Cups Tarot in Love

Within love, the 2 of cups tarot refers to good dealings, development of empathy, a good way to understand each other and thanks to this love will be strengthened . The partnership they have between them produces very good results.

If you are starting a relationship, this card means that for the universe it will be a fruitful union and that it will generate very positive vibes. The duration of the relationship cannot be predicted, but it does ensure that it is a good union.

If you are single, this letter speaks of the arrival of a love that will become a master key together with you, it can also be the presence of a friend with whom you will combine quite well.

2 tarot cups health

2 of Cups Tarot on Health

Within the area of health the 2 of cups tarot refers to trust. Trust in the doctors who are treating your disease, if you have any, and also in the diagnosis and established treatment, since they are correct and appropriate for you.

If you don't have any disease but you want to start taking care of your health, you will get some options and the one you choose will be the right one, this card also talks about good decisions and health itself looks pretty good benefited with whatever you choose.

2 tarot cups money

2 of Cups Tarot on Money

When it comes to money, the 2 of Cups represents balance. Your finances are positively affected. You may not receive excess money but there is also no leakage of it that leads to bankruptcy.

You will be able to negotiate and develop ventures with confidence, the partnership you undertake will be beneficial for you and the other partners. If you have a stable job, this card announces that you can take actions to improve them without posing any risk.

2 tarot cups reversed

2 of Cups Reversed Tarot

When the 2 of Cups appears inverted in your deck it brings to the fore experiences from the past with which you find yourself represented and prevents you from developing well in your present.

Loving relationships do not work out well, like friendships and business relationships, because you remain mentally stagnant.