5 Tarot Coins
Index of contents
Meaning of the 5 of Coins in the Tarot
What does the 5 of Coins tarot mean?
Even though we all like the 5 of Coins tarot card, I have to tell you that it has a bad meaning. We are talking about perhaps your partner is cheating or maybe your work is going so badly that you end up fired. Both are combined in a parallel reality; which you must determine if your partner is more important than your work or vice versa. If your work matters more to you, it is because you do not love your beloved or loved one enough. So plan the decision well so that it is the most correct.
5 of Coins Tarot on Love
Seguimos con el balance negativa del 5 de oros tarot. En el aspecto emocional estamos en un plano de tristeza y soledad. Has llegado a ese estado porque has estado comportándote mal con los que te rodean; lo cual ha llevado de alguna manera eso esté volviéndose contra ti.
5 of Coins Tarot Health
Whether we like it or not, our bad emotional state affects your health. All these situations can generate depression, stress, despair, etc. They are bad times, yes, but you must remember that calm always comes after the storm.
And as you know, being bad mentally makes you bad in a certain way physically. There isn't a day you get out of bed in pain, so pay close attention to your decision-making.
5 of Coins Money Tarot
Another of the bad parts of this letter is that it betrays you from a time of great failure that has led you to poverty. Remember that as we said before, this is temporary, so don't despair.
Always think with a cool head to face problems; especially in this case of your finances. Make decisions in those matters that depend completely on you.
5 of Coins Inverted Tarot
The reversed 5 of Coins tarot card clearly shows that all the bad things mentioned above in all areas of your life have ended or are about to end. It's that simple; this inverted card shows your more positive side.