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Reiki What is it?

reiki which is

Reiki Definition

We can begin by stating: the reiki what is a healing and personal growth method that harmonizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level of the person. But, at the same time, it is a philosophy of life with a holistic point of view, which involves indispensable values to live in harmony with ourselves and with our environment, ideal for Live the present and now.

It is a form of healing and support to change undesirable behaviors and attitudes, both for the therapist and for the patient.

Promote the empathy, the balance, the personal growth, the introspection, the self -esteem, the calm and the peace .

Reiki is fundamentally a energy and vibrational therapy that is based on the transmission of universal energy . This energy passes through the energy system (channel where energy circulates) helping well -being and general energy balance. That energy force nourishes organs and cells , and regulates vital functions; When the circulation of that energy is blocked or interrupted a dysfunction in the organs and tissues of the body that produce energy blockages. This blocking produces an emotional, mental, physical or spiritual traffic. Over time a disease can occur. Reiki releases her and manages to flow, reconnecting the patient with the master energy of the universe.

Reiki is based on the energy transmission through the imposition of hands . The therapist acts as a transmitting channel of this universal energy, without using its own energy.

is a love and intelligent energy , heals from love and with love and heads towards the place or cell that needs to be healed .

The 5 principles of Reiki

adopts five principles or precepts: it is about knowing them and that they are part of our life, to have the mind, heart and spirit open to change . They are principles that invite you to live here and now, to take advantage of the present moment and experience.

  • I don't be angry for today.
  • I do not worry for today.
  • Express your gratitude .
  • Be applied and honest at work.
  • Be friendly with others.

reiki which is

Benefits of Reiki

There are different methodologies, or schools. It is compatible with any other holistic and traditional therapy. Some of his many therapeutic virtues are:

  • Nourish vital energy quickly and healthily to the entire organism.
  • Act on the origin of the ailment .
  • Strengthen the immune system .
  • Purify and eliminate the toxinsAngological toxins of the body.
  • Relax and reduce infemunological stress.
  • Increase the intuitive consciousness .
  • Accelerate spiritual growth .
  • reactivate energy centers, unlock meridians and clean the aura.
  • Produce a flowering of creativity .
  • harmonize the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
  • Enrich the medical treatment and reduce its side effects.

Reiki is the best known and the tip of the iceberg of a multitude of energy therapies and emotional unlock /p>

In each session you can introduce, music, gems and stones and essential oils of flowers and plants for help and stimulate the healing process .

Reiki Background

The art of placing the hands on a human or animal body to comfort and decrease pain is an ancient human instinct; When we feel pain, the first thing we do is intuitively place our hands on the area that is hurting us . Human touch distributes heat and serenity over the chosen zone. In the Tibet records of healing techniques have been found for thousands of years; These techniques also expanded through Greece, Egypt and India. In the texts of the Catholic field, there are also records of how Jesus used his hands to practice healing, and the imposition of hands to calm down, used by practitioners of all religions in the world, remains in force.

The rediscovery of the method

What we know in the West as Reiki is the result of the development that the apprentices of Mikao Usui made of the techniques that he taught them. Few official data about the life of Mikao Usui are known.

Mikao Usui was born in Japan in 1865. He studied in several countries. He returned to Japan to delve into the Buddhist Scriptures and the records of Kyoto libraries and monasteries, in order to understand the method and healing practiced by the figure of the Gautama Buddha thousands of years ago. It is also said that he picked Tibet's writings and was based on some symbols found to develop his method.

In early 1920, they say that made a retirement in the Kurama de Kyoto mountains . Determined to find results at any coast, a period of fasting and meditation that lasted 21 days began. The last day Usui lived a powerful spiritual experience. Suddenly, in the early morning of the last day of his fast, he manifested a great bright light that hit his forehead penetrated heavily through the third eye chakra, which dazzled him by penetrating the state of supra -consciousness known as Sato. When he returned to the normal conscience of the senses, he saw that several hours had passed. During this time he saw millions of small blue bubbles, rows, pink and all the colors of the rainbow. Then an immense white light appeared and saw several symbols in Japanese Kanji anagrams that shone with golden flashes. In this way, the "symbols" of the reiki, surrounded by golden light, granting the power and practical knowledge to use them were amazed.

I had finally found the secret of natural healing. He knew that this was the universal energy of life, and called him Reiki. Thus was born the Usui System of Natural Healing . After the vision he felt full of strength and energy and began to descend from the mountain. With the rush, the finger of one foot was hurt, put his hands on his foot for a few moments, and felt the flow of energy, the blood stopped and the pain disappeared.

After the first miraculous cures after his return from the Sacred Monte Kuramayama, he cures his friend El Abad, who subsequently advised him to open a dispensary for homeless and beggars in the poor neighborhoods of the city. There, for more than five years, he dedicated himself to the healing of the poor. Finally, observing that people once they had healed their body returned to their ancient way of life, without changing their way of being, Dr. Usui acknowledges that without channeling the mind and spirit of their patients could not achieve lasting cures and authentic. Then he decided not to reiki to anyone who did not know how

From this moment to his death in 1926, Mikao Usui put into practice the philosophical and healing notions he had acquired, and created in the city of Tokyo the Usui Reiki Ryouhou Gakkai . He began at least sixteen more practitioners, and worked in this association, which functioned as a hospital where patient's physical healing was practiced, but also as a center of teachings. It is important to highlight that Mikao Usui conceived the technique reiki not as a mere physical heal Help your students to your own development, giving importance to lead a quiet life and the practice of meditation. if our mind is healthy then our body will heal is one of the maximum of Reiki.

Many of these rather philosophical practices and principles were collected in the only manuscript that Mikao Usui left written. Mikao Usui died in 1926. his remains were buried in the Saihou-Ji temple in Tokyo , where you can still visit the registration of his grave.

Mikao Usui

The split of the teachings

After Usui's death, the Usui Reiki Ryouhou school continued with its activities in Tokyo. However, one of the students initiated by the creator of Reiki, Chuujiro Hayashi, founded the Hayashi Reiki association in 1927. Hayashi wanted to work with Reiki as a palliative healing method exclusively , and proceeded to establish their own modified techniques. Hawayo Takata, of Japanese origin and American nationality, continued to be instructed in the modified teachings of Hayashi.

In 1935, Takata, a young American of Japanese parents, arrived at the Hayashi Clinic in Tokyo to receive treatment for serious health problems. There he heals and asks to be initiated in Reiki that until then had been reserved only to Japanese men. He practiced with the other therapists in the clinic, and absorbed the essence of healing art of Dr. Usi. Takata obtained amazing results throughout the field of human pathology. Returning to Hawaii, after receiving the second degree of Reiki, he opened his own healing center. During a visit by Dr. Hayashi, in February 1938, he began in the mastery. In 1940 Dr. Hayashi dies, and before he proclaims Mrs. Takata as her successor. Mrs. Takata introduced and spread the Reiki in the West. When he died, in 1980, he had started 22 teachers. Takata was the pioneer to send reiki to the United States . Due to latent tensions after World War II between Japan and the US, Takata modified the bases and history of Reiki so that it was accepted in North America, and began to market and popularize the technique, reducing practices to a simple method of healing by imposition of hands.

In Japan, the traditional teachings of the Usui Reiki Ryouhou school remained in a fairly closed circle, until it opened to the West in 1999 by Hiroshi Doi. he tried to unify with the Gendai Reiki-Hou method the two main Reiki systems, based on the teachings of Mikao Usui and adding Westernized Reiki techniques .

In the West, after Takata's death, new Reiki associations continued to spread their practice. Some have hybridized with other healing systems, others have exchanged practices or resumed the original principles of Mikao Usui. even if they work with different methodologies, after all, they all retain the same spirit and origin .

On the other hand, Dr. Usui, before his death, Hal: IIIA formed around 2,000 practitioners in Japan, creating the Usi Reiki Ryoho Gakkai organization, whose current president is Mr. Kondo, this Association of Teachers A in turn, Reiki continued to teach in Japan and other countries in the East.

At present, there are thousands of Reiki teachers worldwide within the two lines, western and Japanese. After the disappearance of Mrs. Takata the Reiki quickly extended through the West through the first 22 teachers, arriving in Spain in the late 80s.

Subsequently, two new Reiki systems, the Tibetan System and the Karuna System, introduced in Spain by the Spanish Reiki Alliance from 1994, and in Mexico and other countries in South America from 1995 are Spanish Alliance of Reiki also teaches both.

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