Interactive Tarot
Surely you have heard about the interactive tarot and how to consult the arcana through this new method. This new option, where magic and technology are combined, to give you the peace of mind and comfort you need, has become the best strategy to keep the arcana up close.
If you are interested in living the experience of reading an interactive tarot, you need to understand what it consists of, how you can use it to your advantage and what types of interactive tarot you can use.
Table of Contents
What is the interactive tarot?
The interactive tarot is nothing more than a form of consultations of the tarot cards, it is a different way of being able to have contact with the arcana for our spiritual benefit. In an original tarot there are a total of 78 cards, divided into major arcana and minor arcana; 23 are the major arcana and 56 are the minor arcana.
Each of these decks is elementary within the consultation of an interactive tarot, because each one has a different message to convey. Knowing the data and the meaning of each one is of the utmost importance in order to have the highest percentage of assertiveness in any interactive tarot.
Whether it is, it is important to keep in mind that the tarot is always interactive, since a consultant is needed and that he or she has the ability to interact with the deck, while the tarot reader, in whatever way , this in the ability to interpret each of the cards.
Interactive tarot characteristics
- It is a personal tool that you can use whenever you want while taking care of your privacy. You do not need prior appointments or wait for the availability of a consultant who also keeps discretion. The interactive tarot allows you to consult it daily, as many times as you want.
- It allows you direct interaction with the deck of cards, which allows generating energy feedback for a complete interpretation of the cards, always looking for the answers you want to know. It makes it possible to generate a relevant and accurate prediction.
- Despite being conditioned by the digital age, the interactive tarot is not an impersonal tool, quite the contrary, it is a tool that allows you to generate a direct and constant closeness with each of the consultants. It allows to maintain that aura of energy exchange that every consultation must have to maintain the essence and spirituality that a spread of tarot cards must have.
Is the interactive tarot effective?
There are many people who are unorthodox in matters related to magic, who do not believe in the effectiveness of new technologies, much less that they are similar to these ancient methods such as divination by cards.
But it is a reality that the interactive tarot is 100% reliable and effective as a digital tool. Because what is really important is the exchange of energies between the client and the tarot reader, and this method generates and maintains it.
In addition, this method is more than reliable, it is comfortable and practical, since it saves time, maintains privacy, is agile and is at hand and available when you want to use it.
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Interactive tarot types you can use
Now knowing what an interactive tarot is and the characteristics and advantages that it can have, what follows is to know its particularities, the way in which they operate and how they reach the consultant. How, despite the channel that is used, that dance is maintained, that dance between the consultant and the tarot reader to maintain a spiritual connection. The interactive channels intended for tarot consultations are:
Telephone consultations
One of the most common methods in the interactive tarot consists of having a direct line between the consultant and the tarot reader that allows quick and timely contact. These calls are attended by an expert in the art of cartomancy that allows you to gain confidence when listening to his voice and thus be able to generate a process that is as normal and regular as possible.
In this case, the consultant does not get to see the cards, but he does feel and listen to what the arcana have to tell him.
The WebPages
There are hundreds of portals on the internet that are dedicated to generating totally online consultation tools, and it is one of the best options for interactive tarot. For them they have a virtual deck on the screen, where the consultant can choose the cards that interest him with a single click and find out what answer exists for his question. This interactive method is one of the most used today for tarot readings.
The video calls
Skype, face time, live calls and other applications that allow you to generate a face-to-face call are used for this type of interaction, which allow the tarot reader and the consultant to call each other and meet face to face while the consultation is being carried out. This medium allows them to chat and get to know each other a little better. It is a great method that allows you to gain more confidence. In case he is a less trusting person, this is your option.
Chats and WhatsApp
They are frequent in the interactive tarot method. It allows people to write to each other through these networks and have a quick tarot reading. It is usually recommended for people who use simple rolls, such as yes or no, because it has an advantage that is speed, since it achieves information quite quickly.