Gemini stones
One of the most important elements, within astrology, are the precious stones since it seeks to explain the relationship that exists between these particular stones and the astronomical phenomena related to each sign. Each of the signs of the zodiac has a kind of stone that brings certain benefits to the wearer, and they are capable of intensifying the qualities of each sign.
Each precious stone or metal is surrounded by an energy field that carries out special functions within each sign. For the sign of Gemini the most outstanding stones are; tiger's eye, amber, alcedony or rock crystal.
Each of these stones are perfect for people born under these zodiac signs, due to the individual vibrations of each of the stones and crystals, they can even have healing powers if used correctly.
Know the meaning of each of these stones and use the one that brings the most benefits to your energies.
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Birthstones for Gemini
People born between May 21 and June 21 are natives of the Gemini sign, that of the two twin brothers, symbols of duality, the two sides of reality. This speaks of the mental duality and the great communicative capacity that Geminis have.
In addition, these people have a noble character, although they can become complex and sometimes contradictory people. They have the ability to be happy, self-centered, and have the restlessness and curiosity of children, which makes them make basic mistakes, like teenagers. Geminis are usually courteous, affectionate, kind and generous. Sometimes they use their attributes to achieve their own goals.
There are certain stones and metals that exist and can help you empower each of these quirks. Each stone reinforces certain special areas, in order to choose them you must know what qualities each one has and what benefits they can bring you.
The eye of the tiger
It is a special stone to boost the confidence and self-esteem of people born under this sign. The energy that radiates will help you face life with great self-confidence, the necessary to move forward. It helps to keep those crazy impulses at bay, those that lead you to act on impulse, it focuses you so that you can make decisions using your head.
It is a stone that attracts good luck, it is considered a necessary talisman for the natives of Gemini, in addition to those it provides great health benefits.
It is known as the stone of peace and tranquility, since its bearer will not suffer without it. It is essential to calm the nerves of the children of the twins. Especially for those who may suffer from insomnia, they are wonderful for falling asleep. In addition to all this, they are perfect for absorbing all those bad energies, the negative ones that can surround your environment.
The amber
It is a stone that a Geminian must necessarily carry, since its energetic power makes it a stone of good fortune, it shares some benefits with the Ojo de tigre, since it serves to boost self-esteem and facilitates emotional stability, generating a balance in your carrier.
It is good for activating all that vital energy that you have within you, it helps boost creativity and enthusiasm. If you are a Gemini native with healthy ambitions, amber helps you organize to achieve your goals.
The rock crystal
This crystal, in particular, has a great capacity to exert neutralizing forces on negative energies, this being one of the most outstanding properties. It is able to generate clarity in your thoughts, and thus clarify your ideas and achieve your goals. Not only does it help those born in Gemini, but it is kind to each of the 12 signs.